romantic ideas for a stunning date in Vienna ideas of unforgettable dates in Vienna
event agency City Tours Austria

Information about the service provider

Romantic ideas is a service offered by the event agency City Tours Austria. The booking forms you will find on this website to make a tour on the Giant Ferris Wheel, a ride in horse-drawn carriage or book concert tickets are not from the service providers but the ones used by City Tours Austria which will always be your direct contact. All contracts with the event agency and the tour operator City Tours Vienna through the website of Romantic ideas are subject to the general terms of sales of the tour operator City Tours Austria. For any question about our services or conditions of sales, feel free to write to us at the following address: !

Company Name: City Tours GmbH
Postal Address: Reisebüro City Tours GmbH, Rosaliagasse 19/6, A-1120 Vienna, Austria
Phone number: +43 1 966 02 61
Fax: +43 1 253 30 33 / 7792
Executive Director: Alexander Ehrlich
Authorized signatory: Katarina Bachner
Head Office: Rosaliagasse 19/6, A-1120 Vienna, Austria
Corporate capital: EUR 35.000,00
Shareholders: Alexander Ehrlich (77,5%) and Katarina Bachner (22,5%)
Business registration number: 355042x (HG Wien)
Court of Jurisdiction: Vienna, Austria
UID / VAT: ATU 66115401
Chamber membership: Vienna Chamber of Commerce, travel agencies division
Business licence: travel agency, qualifying examination passed in Austria
Competent trade authority: Magistratisches Bezirksamt für den 12. Bezirk, Schönbrunner Straße 259, A-1120 Vienna
Applicable professional law: Austrian Trade Act (Gewerbeordnung 1994)

Apart from the ideas offered on this website for a gift or an unforgettable romantic date in Vienna, the tour operator City Tours Austria offers a lot of other services in the field of tourism, cultural events and event organization. If you are interested in other services offered by City Tours Austria, don't hesitate to contact us at the +43 1 966 02 61 or send us an e-mail at the following address: . We are looking forward to your message and we will be very delighted to give you some information!